
“A concussion is caused by a blow or jolt to the head or body that causes the brain to shake”.

“The shaking can cause the brain not to work normally and can result in serious side effects”.
The link above is a video about how concussions have become such an issue today and how people think they can be prevented but they really aren’t. They are more serious than people think.

Head injuries are becoming a huge issue today with children. Like I discussed in my other blog about sports, problems have been steaming from how competitive sports get these days. People underestimate the risks and consequences from injuries thought-out sports. Sometimes injuries are taken to lightly when they are actually a lot more serious.
Helmets do not actually help reduce incidents in a concussion. There are no results saying that if you wear a helmet it will reduce your risk. If a child is playing football and they get hit in the head even if they have their helmet on they need to get properly checked out in case a of a problem after the game.

Some coaches don’t really focus too much on an accident if a kid gets hurt normally they will just tell the child get back in the game and let’s win this. They do this because they are so focused on winning the game and they will do anything to make sure that happens.

How do you know you are experiencing a concussion or you have had one? There are 10 steps that can tell you.
1. If you are having headaches
2. Decreased cognitive function
3. Lack of coordination
4. Pupil dilatation
5. Nausea
6. Blurred lines
7. Bruising
8. Emotional outbursts
9. Slurred speech
10. Disrupted sleep patterns
If you have any of these action needs to be taken right away to get it checked out.

Becoming educated about concussions is very important. Parents need to look into this incase their child may have experienced a head injury and they were unsure if they had one or not.
It is an injury that needs to responded too. If a concussion is not treated right away serious brain injuries could become a result. This can prevent a child from playing sports down the road because of problems that can be resulted due to a concussion.

Treatment for a concussion is basically just rest. This way the brain has time to properly heal. The link below is an article that gets into more detail about treatment for a concussion.


One thought on “Concussions

  1. Scott Meyer says:

    Being someone who played sports growing up, I have had my fair share of hard blows to the head. Knowing the risk of getting a concussion is becoming more and more common, more needs to be done. Equipment needs to be modified and made to be more efficient to protect athletes. In some occasions if a concussion isn’t realized or addressed, more issues can become apparent and chronic head problems can occur. This can make a simple concussion a lifelong problem and forever hinder that player’s life.

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